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Blueprint Graphs

Obstacle System

Izcalli of the Wind

The focus of this blueprint was to create an easy to use system that incorporates linear, rotational, doorway, and trial integration by receiving activation from event begin play, collision, and events from C++ created assets. The need for this blueprint came from Izcalli of the Wind large design premise and wanting to be able to prototype different puzzles and obstacle types as possible.

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Coloring Grenade

Personal Project

After building a system that would recognize the player's mesh material color and apply a new color based off what other color the player walked into, I wanted to design a grenade that would self detonate after a few seconds and color the player's mesh. This was designed as the coloring system was useful for coloring puzzles. The standard obstacle was for the player to match their material's color to a doorway's color in order to pass, with a tracking system of the player's tries that would reset the game if they failed any gate after three attempts. The color grenade allowed me to provide a new form of tension for the player, as I already had obstacles that could color the player while moving and flashing. Since these obstacles could only use one color, I caused the color grenade to randomly select a color, making the player decide if they want to take a shot at making it to the gate or potentially stay in dangerous area. 

Color Me